Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in English and Italian
Daniela Bruni
Hampstead NW3, London Bridge SE1 and Clapham SW11

Daniela Bruni Hampstead NW3, London Bridge SE1 and Clapham SW11 Telephone 07912 370327
Sometimes there is a specific issue or question that brings you to consider therapy. At other times the suffering is there without you being able to give it a name.
Emotional suffering can manifest itself in various ways:
anxiety, stress, depression, panic attacks, sleeping problems, difficulties in relationships, conflicts at work, obsession, eating problems, phobias, addictions, sexual difficulties.
Psychoanalysis addresses you as a human being rather than the symptoms you may present with. It does not approach human distress as something that needs repair because it is damaged; it does not aim at operating an orthopaedic fix for what “doesn’t work”, or at giving standardised advice or instructions.
Your distress is your own and it is different from everyone else's. Because it is an expression of your history I invite you to talk; to pay attention to the uniqueness of your life story; to your words. I invite you to talk freely in a nonjudgemental environment.
Our endeavour together is to create a space in which you can speak about what you find difficult, to explore the causes and modality of your suffering. The focus is on listening, on listening to yourself, as well as being carefully listened to. I encourage and sustain your attempt to find a unique solution to your problems.
To make an appointment and for contact details please visit the Where page.